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How Objow reduced its sales cycle length by 30% using Katalyz

Objow helps companies achieve their goals with a solution that enables them to pilot, animate, and reward their employees' performance in a simple and fun way. Founded in 2018, the company sells mainly to ETI & Key Accounts and counts MGEN, Manpower, and Intersnack among its customers.
Because Objow touches on a subject that is structuring for the company - team performance - it is vital to involve and align all the teams concerned from the outset, with a POC (Proof Of Concept) phase generally taking place before the solution is rolled out to all employees.
To maximize conversion and shorten the sales cycle, Objow uses Katalyz.
In practice, at the end of the first meeting, the sales representative invites his contacts to join a shared collaborative space (dealroom):
- Within this space, a mutual action plan is co-constructed with the champion to structure the discussions: each step is detailed, with all the actions to be carried out. From the outset, the champion is aware of all the prerequisites and the people to be involved, and can communicate internal constraints (when a purchasing process has been established, for example).
- The various stakeholders (business, purchasing, tech, finance, etc.) can be invited directly to this space, and associated with actions where their intervention is required, with a defined deadline. Coordination between all parties is seamless. Gone are the unmanageable email loops that generate inertia: the sales process moves into "project management" mode, making it faster and more secure.
- Information is centralized and accessible to all, throughout the sales cycle. Decision-makers can therefore easily return to the defined objectives and measure their ROI, which increases the chances of success in the POC phases.
On average, sales teams have seen a significant increase in productivity since implementing Katalyz: without any additional effort, sales people interact 2x as much with their contacts, and keep up the pace on each of their opportunities.
What's more, the time initially allocated to low value-added tasks (customer follow-ups, aggregating relevant resources, modifying presentations, internal approval requests, etc.) can be dedicated to other deals.
Overall, the sales cycle length dropped by 30% and the conversion is maximized.
It's not the only use case where Katalyz brings value to Objow.
See the customer story detailing how the onboarding time has declined by 25% since using Katalyz